Amplitude Modulation Using Simulink |
Objective: To review Simulink topics necessary for the training. An AM system will be built to demonstrate basic concepts in Simulink.
- Building a simple AM Model in Simulink
- Creating a subsystem
- Visualizing a signal in the time and frequency domain
- Working with MATLAB? data
- Simulating the model from the command line
Modeling Using the Communications Blockset |
Objective: To use Communications Blockset to build an end-to-end QPSK model and become familiar with the different visualization tools within the blockset.
- Communications Blockset introduction
- Creating a QPSK transmitter model
- Generating a random source
- Frame-based processing
- QPSK modulator
- Scatter Plot
- Pulse-shaping filter
- Eye diagram
- Creating an equivalent receiver
- Calculating system delay
- Calculating error rate statistics
Communication Systems Analysis |
Objective: To analyze the BER performance of an end-to-end communication system by writing a MATLAB script and BERTool.
- Performance analysis and BER curve
- Automating performance analysis: scripts
- AWGN uncode
- Adding channel coding
- Automating performance analysis: BERTool
- Theory results
- Semianalytic technique
- Simulation
- BERTool: MATLAB Functions
Channel Impairments and Receiver Algorithms |
Objective: To add channel impairments and recovery blocks to test receiver performance.
- Adding phase and frequency offset
- Correcting phase and frequency using DQPSK
- Phase recovery blocks
- Adding timing offset
- Squaring timing recovery
- Multipath channel impairments
- Equalization using the Embedded MATLAB Function block